Agency Report 2023: Biggest companies

Source: Ad Age Datacenter (Ad Age Agency Report 2023).
Agency Companies database:
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Asterisk indicates Ad Age Datacenter estimate. Revenue submitted by agencies and companies, obtained from public documents or estimated by Ad Age Datacenter. Revenue and listings for 2022 based on data collected and/or adjusted in 2023. Numbers rounded.

Agency companies:
Deloitte Digital, Dentsu, DJE, Havas, Horizon Media, IBM iX, Interpublic, mc Group, Omnicom, Plus Company, Publicis, RRD Marketing Solutions, Real Chemistry, S4 Capital, Serviceplan, Stagwell, WPP: Revenue.
Accenture Song: Revenue for fiscal year 2022 (year ended Aug. 31, 2022). Accenture previously disclosed Accenture Interactive fiscal 2021 revenue of $12.5 billion. Under updated definition in rebranding and evolution of Accenture Interactive to Accenture Song in 2022, Accenture said fiscal 2021 worldwide revenue for Accenture Song would have been $14 billion.
Advantage: Marketing revenue excluding pass-through revenue.
Cheil: Operating revenue.
EPAM: Estimated revenue related to digital engagement practice (strategy and experience, digital marketing, mobility, commerce).
Hakuhodo DY: Revenue for calendar year. Revenue based on Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition adopted effective with fiscal year ended March 2022.
Innocean: Net sales.
LTIMindtree: Revenue related to advertising and marketing services.
Quad: Net sales from catalogs, direct marketing and agency solutions.
Revenue for BlueFocus Communication Group, M&C Saatchi and Next Fifteen Communications Group not available at time of ranking. PwC declined to participate in this year’s report.

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