Excel download: Expanded agency listings by discipline
Agency listings in Excel with links to Agency Family Trees 2023 database.
Note: Agency listings are no longer rankings because listings exclude agencies owned by a number of major agency companies that don’t disclose revenue by agency or network. Given changes in how agencies, networks and agency companies go to market, Ad Age no longer publishes revenue estimates for those agencies and networks.
This Excel sheet includes tabs with listings for:
Ad agencies
- Ad agency services networks: worldwide
- Ad agency services networks: U.S.
CRM/direct marketing
- CRM/direct marketing networks: worldwide
- CRM/direct marketing networks: U.S.
Health care
- Health care agency networks: U.S.
- Media agency networks: U.S.
Promotion/experiential marketing
- Promotion/experiential marketing networks: U.S.
Public relations
- Public relations agency networks: worldwide
- Public relations agency networks: U.S.