Sunday Times Rich List is back as Fleet Street embroiled once again in phone hacking row

The Sunday Times is celebrating its 35th Rich List survey this weekend – one of the more depressing annual reads – with a campaign from long-serving The&Partnership’s in-house Pulse Creative, featuring cartoons by design editor Russel Herneman.

T&P has laboured long and hard on the Murdoch-owned titles (although it’s stayed well clear of the Sun and, before that, the unlamented News of the World, in the UK and US. Mostly to good effect.

What remains of Fleet Street finds itself kicking and screaming in the news once again as the Duke of Sussex pursues his one-prince campaign against the tabloids, currently accusing the Mirror titles and former editor Piers Morgan of phone hacking (they both deny it) while he awaits clearance for a similar showdown with the Daily Mail.

Morgan is no stranger to set-to’s with the Duke and Duchess of course, challenging Meghan’s accounts of this and that was the reason he quit Good Morning Britain. He actually fell out with the weatherman on air, which is something you just couldn’t make up.

T&P’s posters?

MAA creative scale: 7.