VaynerMedia opens in Amsterdam

VaynerMedia EMEA is opening a new office in Amsterdam with a number of new hires and Zalando and Indeed as founding social agency clients.

Former 72andSunny group brand director Su May Tan Kool is joining as VP of client partnerships EMEA and GoSpooky strategy lead Martijn Lasonder as strategy director and post-creative strategist.

CEO Gary Vaynerchuk says: “When I started VaynerMedia, I knew that we would be all over the world and my dream at the time was that we would be in some of the most creative, vibrant cities on earth. Establishing the Amsterdam office achieves that goal. We are so proud and humbled to be opening here.

“The diversity of talent is clear and our unique twist on how marketing is done in a modern world will, I think, land incredibly well with both talent and clients in the country and wider region.”