Walkers Crisps wants to spark a national ‘in or out’ debate

VCCP’s campaign for Walkers is going for the Marmite strategy, but instead of “Love it or hate it” we get “Crisp in or crisp out,” in reference to lunchtime sandwiches.

Walkers is already describing the campaign as “iconic,” but it has yet to grip the public consciousness. This new spot introduces different products into the “debate,” including Monster Munch, Wotsits and Quavers. It also allows for a more nuanced response, accepting that people might change their minds, in a twist that nods to the dangers of a polarised society.

Gary Lineker signed a £1.2 million, three year deal with Walkers in 2020, but he is now reduced to a more ambassadorial role. A shame as his personal currency has soared since the AMV BBDO campaigns of the 90s, when his reputation was less wholesome.

VCCP’s idea for Walkers is about “purpose with humour,” and this campaign matches the brief while also planting the seed that its crisps belong with every lunch, whether you prefer them in or out of your sandwich.

MAA creative scale: 5